mal•a•prop n. - the unintentional misuse of a word by confusion with one that sounds similar

Example: You need an altitude adjustment, you’re too self-defecating.”


prop•o•si•tion (prp-zshn) n.

1. A Subject for discussion or analysis.
2. A statement that affirms or denies something.

Example: “I think you should go play a nice game of hide-and-go-fuck-yourself.”

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

This land is your land... this land is my land.

I find myself in an unexpected pickle. I’ve always sort of leaned to the Democratic party. It’s just my way I guess. But this year I find myself having to choose between a woman and black man. What’s the deal with that? As a white, heterosexual male where is the candidate that reflects me? When am I finally going to get a voice? I think it’s high time in this country that people like me elect a leader that reflects MY culture and MY values.

That being said (as I dislodge my tongue from my cheek), I think there are some interesting trends going on. One thing that always sticks in my craw is the media’s seemingly religious devotion to demographic breakdowns. “Who got the Hispanic vote? The Black Vote? The women under 35 but over 25 who have children, but not more than two and own their own home with a combined household income of over $75,000 but less than $100,000 who prefer dogs to cats?

Who the fuck cares?

I’ve always noticed that there is not really a lot of attention paid to the “White Vote”--at least not since I’ve been paying attention. I guess it’s sort of the default setting. The other demographics are the aberration. This has always irked me. It’s as if they don’t want to come out and say “the white vote” for fear of sounding racist, yet pointing out the “black vote” inherently implies the inverse is the “white vote”. It reminds me of people lamenting “black on black crime” as such a tragedy--as if black on white crime would be perfectly acceptable. Regardless, the point is that I have actually heard reporting on the “White Vote”. I feel so empowered. Finally I have a voice!

Here’s some interesting trends:

Blacks are voting for Obama - no surprise there I guess. Nationally 82% of blacks voted for him on Super Tuesday. That’s a lot. Latinos tend to support Clinton – I’m not sure why but 64% voted for her on Super Tuesday. Young people like Obama – He’s all “inspiring” and “hip”. OK I get that. Old people like Clinton. – Makes sense, since whatever the young people like, the old hate. White women like Clinton – they voted 59% for Hillary. No surprise here… sort of. I mean what I find interesting here is that women as block are divided by race now… not just gender. In other words, most black women voted for a black man over a white woman, while the inverse (white men voting for a black man versus a woman) is true. I find that interesting. Finally, white men, or as I like to say “The Man” or "Me". The Man voted based on his economic status. Poor men voted across the board for Clinton and the wealthy for Obama. By that I mean dudes who make $150,000 or more in annual income voted for Obama and people who fall below the poverty line voted for Clinton.

So what have we learned? Well if we are to believe that people really do break along these rigid race, gender and class lines--as the polls seem to suggest--we’ve learned that we have a hell of a lot more work to do in this country on the whole “unity” front.

We’ve learned that black people vote for black candidates to a higher degree than whites vote for white candidates… does that make them more racist than white people?

We’ve learned that white men typically trust a black man more than they do a white woman (or perhaps any woman regardless of color).

We’ve learned that Latinos either distrust black people or really like white chicks.

And finally we learned that rich guys like other rich guys.

What a bunch of bullshit.


Sweet Kuni said...

If you look at the trend from Super Tuesday to the Potomac Primaries, you see Obama gaining ground in all categories except the black vote--there he stays roughly the same. This is what we call momentum, folks. I don't think Hillary can swing it back her way.

But you're right about the Latinos. I don't know why the fuck they prefer Hillary. Maybe it's because she's short.

Matt Rouse - Oregon Voodoo Inc. said...

Maybe it is because Clinton signed NAFTA which was so wonderful for Mexico and turned that poor impoverished nation around and stopped all the disease, hunger, income disparity and corruption that was there.

Of course, NAFTA did get me into the country so maybe I should vote for Clinton, if I could vote and if she wasn't a medical insurance lobby-group's dancing puppet.