mal•a•prop n. - the unintentional misuse of a word by confusion with one that sounds similar

Example: You need an altitude adjustment, you’re too self-defecating.”


prop•o•si•tion (prp-zshn) n.

1. A Subject for discussion or analysis.
2. A statement that affirms or denies something.

Example: “I think you should go play a nice game of hide-and-go-fuck-yourself.”

Thursday, November 18, 2010

A Little Slice of Heaven

Infinity is a fucking cop out. What a bunch of bullshit. "Hey, could you define the Universe for me? Maybe provide a few examples?" "No need my friend. It's just... ya know, infinite." Well thanks a lot science. That clears everything up for me. People throw that word around a lot--infinite. As if they have any clue as to what that actually means. They insert it into theoretical mathematical constructs, typically designed to get around some inconvenient result they've experienced. Not that I am a mathematician or anything, but creating a symbol for infinity ( ) a made-up concept and then using it in conjunction with something as silly as Pi ( π ) seems to me nothing more than a big huge clusterfuck of a waste of time.

"You see, all we need to do is take the square root of this imaginary fucking idea and divide it by this number that doesn't actually end." So much for the precision of mathematics. It's like playing a big cosmic game of Mad-Libs. You can make anything sound reasonable if you incorporate an undefined, mythical variable. What do we get when we divide infinity by Pi? The same result as dividing unicorns by leprechauns. It doesn't fucking matter because they don't actually exist.

Now I understand that the mathematical properties of infinity allow physicists to develop a better understanding of the physical universe. Yeah, OK, I get it. But if you reduce it down, the reality is that the understanding achieved is based on a construct I don't think any human being is capable of really understanding. I mean, I think we can all understand the basic concept of an infinite value, but we really cannot define it. It's a fundamental problem with the nature of the human condition. Our mortality, the defining characteristic of our existence, just gets in the way. As such, all understanding is relative to understanding something else. Infinity has no relative value. It's why our ancient ancestors ascribed things they didn't understand to the "the Gods". Or more recently, "the God". Or even more recently... .

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