mal•a•prop n. - the unintentional misuse of a word by confusion with one that sounds similar

Example: You need an altitude adjustment, you’re too self-defecating.”


prop•o•si•tion (prp-zshn) n.

1. A Subject for discussion or analysis.
2. A statement that affirms or denies something.

Example: “I think you should go play a nice game of hide-and-go-fuck-yourself.”

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Girls are Stupid… Confessions of a Male Feminist

I’ve been accused of a lot of things in my life. “Misogynist jerk” is one of the more common accusations. So let me set the record straight. I am, by any real sense of the word, a feminist. By that I mean, with every sense of my being, I believe that men and women deserve equal treatment. It sounds so simple. With so many scholarly works on the subject available to us, I am certain that I am not breaking any new ground, or revealing anything profound when I say: “Gender equality is disproportionately helpful to me.”

You see, I am a white, American man who comes from a middle-class, Midwestern family with two parents, four grandparents and siblings who loved and nurtured me. I have the benefit of a great public education, went to college, easily found a job and own my own home in a great neighborhood. In other words—I am lucky. I know that. But I want more. I want more of my white-male-privilege, and I want it now! Not because I’ve earned it, but because I want it. So how do I get it?


First let me be so bold as to re-define the word. The word itself (feminism) has become such a “loaded” term. It need not be. It’s really about equality. In the end, that’s all any real feminist wants. Many men don’t believe that. They think that what these “feminists” want is to take over and enslave men. But that’s just a function of the rhetoric feminists use to fight for their goal… equality. The reason they use such rhetoric guys, is because they are dealing with a systemic structure that involves the institutionalization of paternity intrinsic in the religious infrastructure (the Bible), the political infrastructure (the U.S. Constitution) and the biological construct that relieves us (men) of the burden of childbirth. In other words, they’ve got a reason to get all “uppity” when it comes to their rhetoric. My advice to the men out there is simply this; translate everything you hear some “crazy left-wing feminist” says into the words: “I want to be instinctively thought of as an equal by you, even though we have different ways of looking at things.” Because really… that’s all they (or we) want from anyone.

That said, let me cut to the chase. I’m not going to reference all the studies that demonstrate how access to education, birth control or positions in government or corporate leadership by women help society at large. But the World Bank agrees with my premise:

“There is growing evidence that shows that there is a relationship between better economic conditions for women and increased growth of countries," - Mayra Buvinic, director of gender and development at the World Bank. That evidence echoes the major findings of the World Bank's 2006 World Development Report, which noted that "making markets work in more gender-equitable ways can significantly raise women's productivity and incomes and contribute to economic growth. The pursuit of gender equality makes business sense - gender equality is good in itself, but also it is instrumental to the achievement of other goals and key to reduce poverty and attain shared growth." There's no shortage of research on the subject. You have Google… look it up. I already have. And I can tell you that when women are empowered and educated and respected, the entire social and economic infrastructure of that nation or society is enormously enhanced. Seriously… look it up.

My point is simply this. As a disproportionate beneficiary of the existing economic system, increasing the prosperity and longevity of that system serves to further enrich and empower me as well. This makes sense. It’s a universal truth that has slowly been uncovered with the passage time, whether you’re a communist or a capitalist, the result is the same. Doubling the pool of skilled workers and intellectual capital of your society benefits us all. Not to mention the long-term effects of passing this idea on to future generations from mother-to-daughter and mother-to-son. As one of the primary beneficiaries of this system (myself and my white, male counterparts), nothing could please me more. It’s not a zero-sum scenario. Don’t worry about me. If past experience is any indication of future events I can assure you that I’ll get my cut of the increased benefit to society at-large. Seriously... I'll be just fine.

That’s how feminism (equality) helps me.

So why claim: “Girls are Stupid”? Well, as a feminist, I dream of a world that has the necessary pre-conditions that make the following notions as archaic as burning witches:

  • I don’t ever want to see a 13 year-old girl become bulimic because her “girlfriends” say she is too fat.
  • I never want to see a high school girl think it’s OK to call another girl a “slut” because she chooses to have sex, or a "pussy" because she chooses not to do something stupid or risky.
  • I’ve no desire to see some drunken college girl punch a guy at a frat party just because she knows that “guys don’t hit back” - oh yes they do.
  • I cannot abide a beautiful woman thinking and acting as though she is entitled to (and demands) special treatment solely on the basis that she has “a nice rack and a hot ass”.
  • I will not tolerate open discussions about how to "trap yourself a man" or how to "take him to the cleaners" when you divorce him.
  • I will not forgive women who vote against their own self interest in order to preserve their temporary comfort as a “protected class” or “the fairer sex”.

I see it every day. Women, you are in very many ways your own worst enemies. Equality is reciprocity ladies. You can’t demand true equality but not want to be eligible for the draft. I know that there is an entire system designed (purposefully) to set you against yourselves. But you know what? You’re not alone. We’ve all had to overcome obstacles and rise to the occasion (me much less so that others, though I’ve had my share). But seriously… deal with it. Or put another way: “Man up!”

You have the opportunity, the numbers and (based on my experience) the patience to make true equality a reality. Stop “demanding” it and start “doing” it. If not for yourselves, then please… please do it for me.

I could really use the help.

1 comment:

This Cruiser’s Life said...

In effort to further your discussion, you had used the word "beautiful" woman. Now I understand that when you say this you mean by society's standards she is beautiful and she has been treated as thus her whole life. I want to challenge you however for falling under the same category, as you have also fallen under society's spell on what is "beautiful"!