It doesn’t take much to send these already confounded folks over the edge. Usually a personal problem is the culprit. As such, their cataclysmic collapse into chaos goes generally un-noticed by the rest of us. But every now and then, you see it occur en masse. That’s when you know the day is broken. There’s just something wrong with the universe and the fragile state of their condition cannot withstand it.
Today I witnessed the aforementioned elevator problem. How exactly do two people get on an elevator, watch the doors close and then not know what to do next? I’m reasonably certain they have used an elevator before. How the hell do you not know that you need to know the floor number? I mean, isn’t that pretty much inherent in the concept of the elevator in the first place? Perhaps we need to put up large placards that read: “Warning! To use this machine, you must know why.”
On that same elevator ride, a different person moved their fingers around the buttons for at least 10 seconds searching for the “6” button. For a building with only 6 floors, that’s a pretty long time. He was articulating his thoughts as he searched… moving his index finger in circles over the panel of brightly lit buttons: “Where’s six? Ummm. Six? I can’t find six.”
I saw a woman struggling to open the door to the entrance of my building. She tried and tried but the door would not yield. I watched this for a while. After failing she attempted to think through her problem. She looked around for help, peered through the glass door. Looked up at the sky for a bit (perhaps hoping for some divine intervention) and after a long pause… she tried the same door again. You see, it’s a double door. There are two doors in this entrance, one of which is always locked. It never occurred to her to try the other door. So she was forced to stand there outside and wait for someone to come out. She simply gave up. The quandary with which she was confronted was simply too difficult.
Then there are all the occurrences of the little things, people not watching where they are walking, people spending 5 minutes negotiating a 45 point parallel parking maneuver only to see that they parked in front of a fire hydrant, and more generally just a lot of people walking about with their mouths open, looking nervously from side to side like a chipmunk in an owl sanctuary. I don’t know how these people get through life perpetually confused but they seem to manage it. They seem to have survived to adulthood somehow. But all it takes is for the day to be a little off, the universe just not quite right and it all falls apart like the Picaso-inspired house of cards that is their daily existence.
It must be exhausting. The world must look completely different to them. Colors, shapes and numbers must all blend together into sameness. It can’t be easy. Imagine trying to make change for someone when quarters nickels and dimes all look like silver pennies.
Yeah, I'd noticed something too today. I had a splitting headache this morning on the drive to work, so bad I almost missed the two asslicks who merged without looking into my lane and nearly ran me off the road. Scary, but at least I was awake by the second incident.
Then, two of my coworkers were wandering in a dizzy haze most of the morning. One of them got so bad she threw up and ended up going home. (Which sucked, because it meant I had to cover for her tonight till 9 pm).
My theory for why this happens some days (and not others)? Barometric pressure. Apparently, there's been a huge low pressure system hanging overheard these past two days. I've developed low-pressure-system-theory-of -brainlessness from years of hearing morning weather reports and then observing the behavior of cubicle neighbors. One of my cubicle neighbors could've been a freakin' barometer. Most days he was a pretty fun guy--quick with quips or John Stewart rundowns. But on low pressure days he would stay huddled in his cube, one eye barely open, mumbling like the Rain Man when asked a simple question. If you pressed him too much on such days, he'd uncoil and snap at you like a cornered wolverine. I tell you, low pressure systems in the midwest give lie to the idea that Dr. Jekyl was fictional.
Well thank God. I was desperately trying to figure it out. I was searching for news about shifts in the Earth's magnetic field or solar flairs or a full moon but came up empty. Low pressure system. Bingo!
Thanks m.f.
Yep. You'll note the science behind my theory is pretty air-tight.
Thanks for once again writing what everyone is thinking but not saying!
I know everyone complains about how people drive but to me, it's the simplist of the driving blunders that amaze me to no end. For example:
I have, more then once, seen someone driving in my rear view mirror and they have a cell phone to their ear... and a hands-free ear piece in the other.
I have seen someone watch a car backing up toward them that cannot possibly get out of the parking spot with them there, not move. Even though they want the parking spot that cannot be vacated because of their lack of action.
I have seen cars drive into an intersection without room on the other side to get through, and when the light changes, the traffic in one lane cannot pass them. So they try to back up, blocking both lanes of traffic.
Hey, is this blog broken?
Have you succumbed to thewhat's the point of blogging? syndrome?
mea culpa mea culpa mea culpa...
I deserved that.
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