As far as the bigger picture goes, the world around us, the trees and the flowers and bumble bees… what should I be thankful for? To whom should I give thanks? God? To each his own I suppose, but in spite of all appearances to the contrary I am not so egotistical to believe that God did all this for just me, I think the burden of thanks on that front lies on all of us. So consider me one six-billionth thankful for the world around us.
I guess I can be thankful for one thing…. my parents. I am thankful that they weren’t bad people for the first few years of my life. Really, until I could speak or make decisions on my own, I didn’t do much to improve their lives or earn their love. I pretty much just made noise, ate food and shit myself.
So thanks Mom and Dad.
I think in order to be thankful for something, one must have been given an unexpected and undeserved gift. If I won the lottery without even buying a ticket, I’d be thankful. I guess if I bought a ticket and won I’d be thankful too…thankful for me, for buying a ticket.
So I guess what I am saying is that what I am most thankful for is me.
Is that narcissistic enough for you?
I'm thankful for you too.
Bite me Ukraine!
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